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Group Points (45pts)


10pts - Was the course set up appropriately 


10pts - Did the group explain the course well enough for the students to understand


3pts  - Did the group have at least 1 “Sport” station


3pts  - Did the group have at least 1 “Competition” station


3pts  - Did the group have at least 3 “Exercise” station


6pts -Group must have at least 1 “rest”  station

        -Group must have at least 10 total stations


10pts- The Group completed an outline and description of circuit following all requirements


Individual Points (55pts)


10pts - Did the student encourage other students


10pts - Was the student focused on their assignment


15pts - Was the student off task or did they allow other students to be off task


10pts – Student demonstrated and practiced circuit before project start date


10pts- Was the student involved during the planning of the project as well as the teaching of the project. 


During other students project (100pts)


50pts - Did the student follow directions


50pts- Did the student participate








Circuit Training Project

Click here for word document

IB Project



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